Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Husband snores?

The problem is this: My husbnd snores and we're expecting a baby. Since weeks I try to leave out the earplugs at night and it just does not work. After a while I take them again to get some sleep. But I can't use them when the baby is there! I won't hear her.
Seperate bedrooms are not possible. And there's nothing he can do about the snoring due to a lungsickness. No way.
Any tips how I can learn to ignore the souds he makes?
Homeopathic treatment to stop snoring :-
Three drops each in a sip of water twice a week.
Followed by :-
Four Tablets each four times a day every four hours.
These will help stop snoring in any person with regular use. keep me posted about your progress.
Take Care and God Bless you
consider purchasing an over the nasal spray decongestant. I use it sometimes at night and then I don't snore. he just sprays 2-3 per nostril. worth a try.
Have your husband get a "sleep apnea" breathing machine for use when he's sleeping. I cannot say enough about what a difference it will make in your life and his. He'll stop snoring, sleep better, feel more vibrant during the day and enjoy better health in many ways.
My husband was getting irritated with my snoring. I was tired during the day, wanting to sleep all the time. My blood pressure was going up. I went to my doctor who recommended me to a sleep specialist. I was diagnosed with sleep apnea - the testing showed I stopped breathing over 300 times a night! This not only damages the heart, but other organs as well, not to mention how tired I was all the time. I got a CPAP (continuous positive airway pressure) machine and the results are tremendous.
Note: there are different types of "masks" available, I chose one that is not really a mask, but a tube with holes that fits under my nose. It only took me one or two nights to get use to it. Sometimes I wake up and check to see if it is still there because I can hardly feel it. Good luck!
The baby will like the snoring, I promise. Lay the baby on his belly and watch who get's a 2 hour nap EVERYONE
Bless your heart. I know just how you feel. Two things to try if the other suggestions mentioned here don't work (and the CPAP someone else mentioned is probably your very best bet), but failing that you might think about having your husband try breathright nasal strips (help hold open the nasal passages) or maybe a white noise machine. Here is a relatively inexpensive one (but there are lots of others to choose from):
Best of luck to you friend.
Breath right strips, works for me and my wife.
I would suggest you try the Homeopathic remedies the good Soul Doctor has suggested, Homeopathy works wonders in everything.
Viva Homeopathy.

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