Wednesday, August 5, 2009

What do u all think about Milk Thistle???

i have been taking it for years bc i have to take alot of pain meds due to severe scoliosis and i use to drink alot, but i do not anymore ..just had bloodwork (CBC) and my liver enzynes are great!!!!!!
It is a known blood cleanser and is excellent for good liver health.
It is recommended for liver problems.
i worked at gnc for 3 years and milk thistle is a great product for a healthy liver.keep on using it!!
i have been doing milk thistle an dit works great so you should keep going at it
"... If milk thistle curbs liver disease, science hasn't adequately proven it yet, according to a report in The American Journal of Gastroenterology.Doctors from California and Europe reached that conclusion after reviewing 13 studies of milk thistle. No significant liver benefits were seen in patients with liver disease who took milk thistle.But, the doctors aren't totally shutting the door on milk thistle. Better studies are needed, write Andrea Rambaldi, MD, and colleagues ..."Read the rest here:
I heard of Milk thistle as a vitamin good for your skin.
Milk thistles have been reported to have protective effects on the liver and to improve its function. They are typically used to treat liver cirrhosis, chronic hepatitis (liver inflammation), and gallbladder disorders. The active compound in Milk thistle credited with this effect is "silymarin," and is typically administered in amount ranging from 200-500mg per day (common Milk Thistle supplements have a 80% standardized extract of silymarin). Increasing research is being carried out into its possible medical uses and the mechanisms of such effects.[1]. However, a previous literature review using only studies with both double-blind and placebo protocols concluded that silymarin has shown that milk thistle and its derivatives "does not seem to significantly influence the course of patients with alcoholic and/or hepatitis B or C liver diseases."
I love milk thistle as it may help the liver regenerate itself. Proper hydration is key in a detox 1/2 your body weight[lbs] in distilled water a day.
I take it all the time and it's fantastic. It really protects the liver, especially if you are a drinker. The best brand is Bio-Silymarin which can be ordered
Why not use conservative methods like soft brace for your pain rather than pain med and something else to compensate for it...check out can be used for symptomatic relief and works great..

1 comment:

  1. I also use Liv-52, and it is wonderful! I'm a hepatitis c patient and depend on Liv-52 and the best milk thistle brand that I can get.
