Wednesday, August 5, 2009

What do you think about Dr. Kevorkian?

After 8 years he was just released. What are your thoughts on Assisted suicide?
Veronica, I try to evaluate who I am speaking to by looking at their avatar, checking their grammar and spelling, and judging the magnitude of their question. I am going to give you a grown-up answer. It is wrong to take a life--even your own. Sounds simple, doesn't it? But it is not so simple as that. Some people yearn for death because they are in great pain, and have been for a long time, and know that it will never stop until they die, and that may be an even longer time. Naturally, they are bound to think, "What is the use of my staying alive?"
Notice I said "naturally." That is our human nature. More often than not, that point of view rules our lives. So we seek some method of handling whatever problems we face. For some it is an unendurable situation, one which they cannot control, but desparately wish to escape.
Dr. K. has demonstrated that he does not want to be an indiscriminate murderer. He has undertaken to help some who wish to escape mortality for reasons like that described above. Though I know that his actions are against God's will, I feel that if I were in the place of Dr. K., or of any of the people he has helped, my human nature would prevail. I would want to die, I would want to help someone to die, if I knew that there was no other way to achieve freedom from pain.
It is not our place to judge whether someone is wrong to have broken God's law--who of us has not? So I say...
Dr. K. has faced a difficult situation and taken a very bold action to try to rectify it. I admire his courage, even though I know that his assisting people to commit suicide is morally wrong.
I honestly believe that many people would agree with me, but most would never admit it.
He never murdered anyone..
If I'm terminally ill in the hospital and is my wishes to go my way then i will like to have someone like him by my side.
i think if the patient wants it, the disease is absolutely terminal and painful, and the patient needs a whole book of meds to maintain his current condition, then he or she absolutely has the right to leave this world. and if the patient wants the doctor to help him and the doctor has no qualms about it, then assisted suicide is absolutely justifiable and completely dignified.
This is a really tough question. If I had a VERY painful terminal illness, %26 the pain could not be kept under control, Yes I would not want to live. I do not fear death any more. I fear pain before the death. I'm in my early 60's
I would like to know his reasoning behind his profession ... However, I think that there are people who are much more deserving of an 8 year sentence to jail.
I think he meant well in what he was doing %26 he thought he was doing the right thing. Unfortunately, what he was doing was against the law in his state. If I was suffering with an uncureable disease %26 was in extreme pain I would appreciate Dr. Kevorkians efforts.
In certain circumstances I think a person should have the right to die. Living with a disease that cripples you or keeps you in constant agony in not a good quality of life and is just torture. Why should someone have to go through this? Is it because there is money to be made from this horrible suffering? Yes there is money to be made by the leeches out there who say keep them alive. We would see a change of attitude real quick if they were told they wouldn't have to be paid for taking care of a terminally ill person! So it is most definitely needed to help those with these health issues!
I think that if you have not experienced a loved one in the state of those that Dr Kevorkian has assisted you cannot possibly understand.
He should have been assisted to his eternal reward in the sulfur mines of hell. If you only drive the getaway car you are still guilty of robbing the bank.
Why is this question under Alternative Medicine??
I do not think anyone has the right to tell you that you HAVE to suffer!!! If you have a condition that causes great pain and is incurable you should have the right to end your suffering! Only the person in pain knows the extent of their pain and their tolerance to that pain how can you or I tell them that they have to continue to suffer because it's "morally wrong".
I am basically for assisted suicide, and by being willing to go to jail for his beliefs he brought publicity to the issue.However, there is the potential for abuse in assisted suicide. There need to be firm guidelines in place to prevent assisted homicide by people with financial motives, as well as preventing suicides for people who are merely ill and depressed. Once someone is dead there's no way to know for sure what they're thinking, so you need safeguards and checks %26 balances in place. And you need the idealogues to get out of the way.
masince1986---wow that was beautiful---veronica---you better go with that one
I do not believe in what you call: assisted suicide. Although it is legal in Oregon and in the Netherlands and I do not know where else, we can not decide for ourselves when to die. I actually know of a person who requested to die and did and it was very hard on the family.
I dont think assisted suicide should be illegal. This is with the assumption that the "patient" has been diagnosed terminal by a competent doctor. I dont think a healthy 24 year old should be able to say "Damn, life sucks. Hey doc. can you help me off myself?"
How come it isnt murder when a doctor pulls the plug on somebody who HASNT said they want to die?
He has a dark side which no one talks about in the media. He is very twisted.

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