Tuesday, October 13, 2009

What is good for acid stomach that doesnt involve medicine?

drink a whole bunch of water...my tummy hurts often and a big glass of water usually dilutes the acid and makes it better...and water is just good for ya anyways.
A teaspoon of bicarbonate of soda mixed with a glass of water.
I would have to say a teaspoon of baking soda with 1/3 cup of water. Hold nose and drink! it works for me.
anything with a "basic" pH. or in other words, dont put anything in your stomach that is acidic. Milk is good, orange juice is bad. bread is good, a lemon would be bad. im sure u get the idea. I dont know if u consider "Tums" medicine...i definitely dont. but thatll help u a lot. if u go for pharmaceuticals eventually, ask your MD about Protonix, worked wonders for me.
papya..the enzymes help digest the food.you can have it fresh or juice or dried. They all work!
drink a table spoon of vinegar, it may burn going down but will fix your problem. also chewing gum will also help. The researchers say gum chewing stimulates the flow of saliva鈥攚hich is less acidic than fluids that are churned up in the stomach during digestion. Saliva soothes heartburn by neutralizing acid in the esophagus.
eating foods that are not rich or fatty.take a mylanta. strictly speaking its just calcium carbonate, and not strictly a medication at all.
A teaspoon full of bicard soda in a galss of water. does the trick everytime.
Hi, there is an undeniable connection between the occurrence of acid stomach and diet. Everything in your body has a delicate balance. The human body is a miracle of systems that maintains just the right conditions to keep everything running smoothly. One of the most important things you can do to cool heartburn down is to avoid certain foods. In many cases, just changing the diet is all that is necessary to control acid reflux.Most health care professionals recommend a low-acid diet consisting of more alkaline or basal foods, you can eat leafy greens and broccoli, lean cuts of grilled meat, egg whites, low-fat cheeses like feta, apples and bananas, multi-grain breads, and low-fat salad dressings are good choices. Foods such as chocolate, foods with a lot of extra cheese, tomato sauce or catsup based foods, onions, chilies, caffeinated beverages, fatty or fried foods, alcohol, mint, and citrus fruits have been known to aggravate digestion, acting as catalysts for acid stomach.Simple, reasonable modifications in your eating habits can do wonders for quelling acid reflux, not to mention improving overall health.In rare events, when I have acid stomach, I make tea. I mix together equal amounts of aniseed, peppermint and lavender and make of this tea. I use:
boiling 2 陆 cup distilled water
I pour this water over a teaspoon of the herbal mixture
I let this tea sit for 3- 5 minutes
then I strain the tea and add a little bit of honey.
I place this tea in a thermos
With this tea I get relief of acid stomach by leaps and bounds,
Jason Homan
Bragg's apple cider vinegar (with mother culture). Take 2 Tbsp diluted in 8 oz of water. Add 2 Tbsp. RAW honey to sweeten, if desired.Alternatively, there are some excellent homeopathic remedies. Reflux-Away and Antisid are two brand names available at most good health food stores.
My husband suffered for years with acid reflux and such. The treatment that I finally got him to try has helped him deal with it for years now. He drinks 1 cup of cool water and eats either a few olives or a few slices of pickle. It is simple to explain acid neutralizes acid and the water helps dilute the stomach acids. Worth a try for anyone and cheaper than those nasty antacids
try a slice or wedge of lemon or lime...sprinkled with salt. seems to neutralize the acids.
vinegar and water. when your stomach needs acid, it tells you by making you burp up acid. try it!! what do you have to loose? have a salad with italian dressing with your meal and see how your stomach reacts. This works-really!
Know the Natural Cures for Gastritis/Acid Stomach.Causes: The most frequent cause of gastritis is a dietetic indiscretion such as habitual overeating, eating of badly combined or improperly cooked foods, excessive intake of strong tea, coffee or alcoholic drinks, habitual use of large quantities of condiments, sauces, etc. It may sometimes follow certain diseases such as measles, diptheria, influenza, virus pneumonia, etc. Most often it also results from worry, anxiety, grief and prolonged tension. Use of certain drugs, strong acids, and caustic substances may also give rise to gastritis.Treatment: The patient should undertake a fast in both acute and chronic cases of gastritis. In acute cases, the patient will usually recover after a short fast of two or three days. In chronic condition, the fast may have to be continued for a longer period of seven days or so. In the alternative, short fasts may be repeated at an interval of one or two months, depending on the progress being made.The fast may be conducted on fruit juices. By fasting, the intake of irritants is at once effectively stopped, the stomach is rested and the toxic condition, causing the inflammation, is allowed to subside. Elimination is increased by fasting and the excess of toxic matter accumulated in the system is thrown out.After the acute symptoms subside, the patient should adopt an all-fruit diet for further three days. Juicy fruits such as apple, pear, grapes, grapefruit, orange, pineapple, peach and melon may be taken during this period at five-hourly intervals. The patient can thereafter gradually embark upon a well-balanced diet of three basic food groups, namely: (i) seeds, nuts and grains, (ii) vegetables, and (iii) fruits on the following lines :Upon arising: A glass of lukewarm water with freshly squeezed lemon and spoonful of honey.
Breakfast: Fresh fruits , such as apples, orange, banana, grapes, grapefruit or any available berries, a handful of raw nuts and a glass of milk.
Mid-morning snack: One apple, banana, or any other fruit.
Lunch : Steamed vegetables, two or three slices of whole meal bread or whole wheat chappatis, according to the appetite and a glass of butter milk.
Mid-afternoon: A glass of fresh fruit or vegetable juice or sugarcane juice.
Dinner: A large bowl of fresh salad of green vegetables such as tomatoes, carrots, red beets, cabbage, cucumber with dressing of lemon juice and cold-pressed vegetable oil, all available sprouts such as alfalfa seeds mung beans, fresh butter and fresh home-made cottage cheese.
Bedtime snacks: A glass of fresh milk or one apple.The patient should avoid the use of alcohol, nicotine, spices, and condiments, flesh foods, chillies, sour things, pickles, strong tea and coffee. He should also avoid sweets, pastries, rich cakes and aerated waters. Curds and cottage cheese should be used freely. Carrot juice in combination with the juice of spinach is considered highly beneficial in the treatment of gastritis. 200 mL of spinach juice should be mixed with 300 ml. of carrot juice in this combination. Too many different foods should not be mixed at the same meal. Meals should be taken at least two hours before going to bed at night. 8 to 10 glasses of water should be taken daily, but water should not be taken with meals as it dilutes the digestive juices and delays digestion. And above all, haste should be avoided while eating and meals should be served in a pleasing and relaxed atmosphere.Coconut water is an excellent food remedy for gastritis. It gives the stomach necessary rest and provides vitamins and minerals. The stomach will be greatly helped in returning to its normal condition if nothing except coconut water is given during the first 24 hours. Rice gruel is another effective remedy in acute cases of gastritis. In chronic cases where the flow of gastric juice is meager, such foods as require prolonged vigorous mastication will be beneficial as this induces a greater flow of gastric juices.From the commencement of the treatment, a warm water enema should be used daily, for about a week, to cleanse the bowels. If constipation is habitual, all steps should be taken for its eradication. The patient should be given daily a dry friction and sponge bath. Application of heat, through hot compressor or hot water bottle twice in the day either on an empty stomach or two hours after meals should also prove beneficial.The patient should not undertake any hard physical and mental work. He should, however, undertake breathing and other light exercises like walking, swimming, and golf. He should avoid worries and mental tension.Hope this helps, Good Luck.

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