Tuesday, October 13, 2009

What is the best full body cleanse recipe?

Do they really work? A friend has recommended Hulda Clarks Liver cleanse. The problem is I am 30 to 40 pounds over weight. (was 65 pounds). I lost 25 pretty quick now I am 'stuck'. I walk 2 miles a day fast, I do a 35 minute work out. I eat like a bird. Lots of salad, little to no carbs. Haven't lost an ounce in weeks! I feel better but I want the pounds OFF. My friend says a body cleanse might help kick the weight loss back into gear? I am 44, 5.6 and weigh 193. I need to get at least 30 more pounds off to feel comfortable. Will a body cleanse help?
I tried a body cleanse from the health store and I noticed NO difference in anything.It was called 'Total Body rapid cleanse by Renew Life. Was a waste of money from what I can tell.
It is very normal to plateau during stages of weight loss, and very disheartening! Just keep up your commitment. Things that help include lemon juice in warm-hot water every morning (like a shower on the inside) - for the first week just have one large glass of hot water with the juice of up to half a lemon (or lime - not orange) first thing. then if you can, go for a walk. Follow with a vegetable juice, preferably carrot, parsley and celery. then have a good breakfast with some protein, but no processed foods. Eat fresh fruit and veg, preferably no meat, but some fish is OK. Definitely no chicken (growth additives to their food make it hard to lose weight if you eat chicken). Cut out dairy. Nuts and green veg will provide the calcium you need. Eat enough to satisfy you, but don't eat if you are not hungry. It is important to eat enough so that your body doesn't go into "starvation mode" and store everything, ie keep up your metabolic rate.Before meals have a large teaspoon of psyllium husks mixed in water - the psyllium acts like a broom through the gut, and also fills you so that you won't eat so much.From the second week on, start each day with two large glasses of warm water and lemon juice. (2 glasses the first week can make the cleansing process too fast, resulting in headaches and a feeling of nausea)As a general rule: breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dinner like a pauper - what you eat at night you tend to store on the hips, but starving yourself just makes it easier to gain weight.Make sure you drink lots of water!! Add some lemon juice to help make it more palatable if you want.Before going to bed each night, spend 5 minutes imagining yourself slim, trim and terrific!Well done for getting as far as you have, and good luck with the remaining weight loss. Keep healthy and happy with who you are.I hope these tips help and wish you all the best.
alright trust me with this eating less doesnot help since your metabolic rate( the rate you burn food) slows down if you eat less it is better to have lots of small meals rather than few big ones that way it keeps your metabolic rate high constantly also having lots of water keeps it up and having water or grapes over 2-3 days can cleanse your body of wastes and make a small loss of weight (only by drinking water constantly). finally being overweight does not mean you are obease it can sometimes be quite innaccurate since muscle is heaver than fat.
In Yoga there r certain processes that cleanse ur total body but if ur a amateur u must do it under guidance and supervision
Go to a reputed Yoga center and undergo these processes they r called they r Sanskrit names
The former cleanses ur respiratory tract and the other ur digestive tract
You've hit a slope in your diet; This is totally normal. You're body is taking a "Rest" so to speak. You can try a body cleanse, which may help, but from my experience, if you eat a normal diet for a few days and then go back to your diet-your metabolism will kick back in. You've been depriving your body of carbs-which it needs for energy, so kick in a few carbs and then slowly take them back out of your diet. This should help you get back on track. Good Luck
I have heard really great things about the Master Cleanse or the lemonade diet, outlined in a book by Stanley Burroughs (it's just a little thing I bought at Barnes and Noble for $7). The essential idea is that you drink only a concoction of lemon juice, maple syrup, and cayenne powder for 2 to 10 days (the book recommends 10).Lemon juice is supposed to be one of the most nutritionally pure and complete foods you can have.
Maple syrup provides you with enough calories in simple form to not feel disgustingly hungry and also has a bunch of minerals.
Cayenne is supposed to loosen the plaque in your intestines to get them all cleared out and healthy again.I tried it but to be honest I was totally unprepared and it ended up being a waste of time because I ate pizza within 24 hours. The juice is a little nauseating - if you decide to do it I would recommend putting a pinch of cayenne in a bit of lemon juice and shooting it rather than putting it your whole bottle of juice - it will be much more pleasant this way!Go to this site http://therawfoodsite.com/mastercleanse. and/or the bookstore to see the actual book - it's a very convincing plan that I would like to try again someday. The best part is that unlike the prepackaged cleanses you can buy from the store, you know exactly what you're putting in your body!
Cleansing does work, but it has to be more than a week (at least a month) and you really need to eat right during it. The Master Cleanse is a good start but from what I've seen people gain the weight back right away. I don't know if it can help with plaque, maybe at first.I used to be overweight and had a really hard time even with diet and exercise it didn't work. I lost weight when I cleansed and did a series of colonics at the same time.Afterward I did the "Buns of Steel, 2000" Step aerobic work out 5 times a week. My body never really responded to a work out before I cleansed. I only tried this because after my cleanse (for 2 months) I had a lot of energy. I'm glad I did because my body responded more than before. Now I do the "Sound Mind Sound Body Boot Camp" DVD by David Kirsch. I could only do 20 minutes at first but now I do all except the stomach workout because of back surgery. I see great results (I'm 45).Below I gave a website that has a diet outlined for a weight loss cleanse. Good luck to you.
There is no one type of recipe that is best. Each recipe can possible help you target a different part of your body that requires detoxification. Yes...definitely, a body cleanse can help kick start the weight loss once again.
Never try eating less. For one week, have the same thing every day. Take a little milk thistle in the morning and at night, and drink lots of green tea. To get your metabolism back up, eat lots of grains and wheat. I recommend an organic granola cereal, which can be purchased in the health food section of any store. Munching on snow peas, spinach and other simple plants can help wash out your system too. A very easy thing to do, though it doesnt have very good results, is just try and cut down on the fat for a while, and still take the milk thistle and tea.

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