Tuesday, October 13, 2009

What is the best herb to clean colon ?

Any kind of fiber is good...i don't know about any herbs, but try...fruits like apples, peaches/apricots, oranges, kiwi, plums, prunes, pomegranate, grapefruits, etc or drink fruit smoothies (Try Bolthouse Farms brand, or Odwalla, or POM (pomegranate juice, available at most grocery stores). Vegetables like spinach, carrots, celery, lettuce etc will clean you out pretty well too.
Yogurt is great for good digestion and immune system.
Also drink lots of water, as this helps your digestion
Not sure but I think prunes are okay for that but citrate medicine works best although it has such a tangy taste...
I use FLEET, which is just a saline solution, you can buy at the drugstore, over the counter, and in fact I used it the other day, and it really works, and it works within an hour. I used this before I had a colonoscopy, and it does clean out the colon, totaly. I use a half bottle, mixed with water, and in 30 minutes, the damn broke. It works very good.

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