Sunday, July 26, 2009

How do you know if you have systemic candida?

And how do you get rid of it?
That's a very thorny condition. It's not really a disease in and of itself. It speaks of a real imbalance in the body, and compromised immune systems. The most important things to do are: see a doctor who has had experience with the condition. Immediately start cleansing yourself with water.
Change your diet and cut the use of any drugs or alcohol.Specifically you need to watch foods that affect acid. Double up on proteins, including vegetable proteins. Cut the one note carbs... sugar, treats, candy. Also highly recommended is to take acidophilis in a very digestible form.See a doctor. Systemic candida can really compromise your health.
There is a somwhat long but very complete document on this web site that should answer all of your questions.
I have oral thrush and poor immune system i had it for 3 years not gone yet ,the first and second anwers are the best, good luck
your dr can prescribe something for it. also eat alot of yogart with LIVE cultures, if you dont like yogart there are pills that contain the live cultures but the pills are expensive.
candidiasis can be pretty hard to diagnose and treat as many of the symptoms aren't recognised or linked together. Most people only realise they have a candida infection when they get an obvious sign like a vaginal yeast infection, oral thrush, athlete’s foot, nail fungus or other fungal infections on different body parts. However, symptoms of candidiasis aren't always so easy to see.When Candida takes hold and starts to multiply internally in the intestines large numbers of toxins and allergens are released, and hormones can be effected too. This means that symptoms of candida are either mistaken for another condition or just ignored.*The following are typical candidiasis symptoms that are often overlooked:• Gastrointestinal distress – abdominal pain, bloating, gas, stomach and intestinal cramps, as well as chronic heartburn, constipation or diarrhea
• Food and airborne allergies
• Extreme sensitivity to perfume, chemicals, smoke and other odors
• Rectal itching
• Recurring urinary track infections and vaginal yeast infections
• Recurring fungal infections such as athlete’s foot, ringworm and many other forms of dermatitis.
• Prostatitis (inflammation of the prostate gland caused by bacterial infection)
• Severe PMS
• Bad breath
• Headaches
• Muscle aches or weakness
• Impotence or loss of libido
• Feeling very light headed or drunk after ingesting certain foods or having minimal alcohol (I.E. single glass of wine, or one beer).
• Dizziness
• Memory loss
• Extreme moodiness
• Mentally unsettled – IE feeling “spaced out” or off kilter.
• Difficulty concentrating
• Chronic fatigue, particularly prominent after eating
• Depression
• Anxiety attacksIf you are experiencing one or more of these symptoms you ought to mention it to your doctor and ask about candida overgrowth being the root cause. Until you have candida diagnosed you can't begin treatment as its important to rule out any other causes of the symptoms first.

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