Sunday, June 28, 2009

How do you cure Candida?

I have Candida. I know this because I did a test. What ways can I cure it? I'm a vegan, so I need vegan cures. Thanks in advance for any help.
Hello there fellow Vegan! Well, the best way that I've found is to take L-lysine and stay away from sugar. Candida is a form of yeast and if you've ever baked bread, you know that yeast is an important leavening agent and that it feeds on sugar. So, sugar is a no-no for a while. It takes about 60 days for your body to get rid of the Candida, but it does work. Get the vegetable capsule kind from the whole food store or natural food market. Also, you might want to give up on fruit for a while and eat mostly veggies and brown rice. Brown rice helps to rid the body of many impurities, as I'm sure you know and I've found that it helps with Candida as well.Best of luck! Hope this helps!
is that a virus or infection--eat garlic thats an antibiotic
Unlimited: Ginger tea, special sugar free drinks
Daily: Yoga/Meditation in the morning, herbal steam, 1 hour massage weight loss massage, good bacteria drink
Use of cleansing instruments like polarity zapper, vibrational blood cleaner, lymphasizer, acupressure board, ultimate relaxation device
Herbs, supplements and one day of dedicated liver cleanse
Post fasting nutritional advise/diet plan
Special 7 sessions of rectal Ozone therapy
Accommodation in our standard fan bungalow
Colonic irrigation
No meats in there sweetheart (LOL) I promise
Yeast infections (candida albicans) are one of several forms of vaginitis. Proper diagnosis is key to effective treatment. Many women diagnose themselves with a yeast infection based on the symptoms and previous experience with the condition. However, the misdiagnosis of yeast infections is common. A study conducted by the American Social Health Association found that 70 percent of women self-treated vaginal infections before calling a healthcare provider. Most often, the women mistook a bacterial infection for a yeast infection. Other problems that women may assume are yeast infections may be merely irritation from tampons, sexual intercourse or an allergic reaction.After self-diagnosis, women may choose to use OTC medications for treatment. Roughly two-thirds of all over-the-counter (OTC) medications sold to treat yeast infections were used by women who did not have the condition, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). For this reason, women, particularly those with diabetes, should consult their physician the first time they suspect they may have a yeast infection based on symptoms. In addition, all women who are (or may be) pregnant or breastfeeding should consult their obstetrician-gynecologist before beginning any treatment. Some medications cannot be used with these women.Please read up on the treatments for candida at the women's site below - I think you'll find it helpful : )
Go to and look up Candida, or cures for Candida.Try rearranging the qustion to benifit your specific problem.
I didn't know there was a home-test for candida. I know certain bacteria injested can help prevent yeast infections, but I only know them to be found in live culure yogurt. Since you are a vegan, you can't prevent them this way. Once you have a yeast infection, home remedies are not going to cure it and you need medicine.Since you already know you have a yeast infection, read the labels on the ingredients and see if any of them disagree with your life-style (they won't be going in your stomach)If you go to the doctor, he can prescribe a pill that will take care of the infection in 7 days and relieve symptoms within 3. I don't know what the ingredients are.
Vegan or not, treat it with proper antibiotics and read up on ways to avoid future reinfection.
A obgyn is the best help - usually she'll prescribes some cream/suppository and the problem is over in a week or 2.
and I know this has been the treatment many women went thru to be rid of this problem. Hope it helps
You basically need to eliminate all sugars from your diet. That includes fruit, bread, some vegetables. There is a candida diet that my sister used and I can't find it right now. She was able to get rid of the candida. Also there is a product called Candida Clear by Now brand. I can e-mail you the diet if I can find it. You will eventually get to reintroduce some of the foods back into your diet. Let me know if you want me to e-mail it to you.
Candidia is VERY hard to get rid of. Diet is extremely important. Avoid all sugars (even fruit), eat garlic, lemon juice and take a probiotic.

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